The lack of crowd and the indifferent opinions of the Foreign Talent Scheme in the S-League have all been discussed with great enthusiasm and great pain amongst the football fraternity in Singapore .
But amidst these clouds of ‘gloom & doom', a group of Singaporeans have been up and about in supporting their neighborhood club Hougang United FC.
We have come together, casting aside our political beliefs for a greater cause.
Regardless how the S-League runs it’s campaign and how political influences shape the livelihood of this country, the HOUGANG HOOLs understand that the football culture we debate so passionately about, ultimately lie in the hands of Singaporeans.
We are the remedy to the footballing culture.
The HOUGANG HOOLs intend to bring that culture back to S-League and Singapore; and by doing so we extend this legacy to the next generation, that they will also continue the football supporters tradition for years to come.
We wish every supporters club in the S-League experience this 'mini renaissance' and keep the flame going for club and country... and a HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! :)
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